Sunday, January 20, 2008

Our weekend

On Friday I took the kids to the park for a while. You know spread the sickness like all good mother's do. Seriously, we were all ready to just about go crazy from being stuck in the house all week. Then we went to the mall and played for a while & had lunch. Hudson had a PB & J sandwich & lo mien, so I am sure he is all better. The sight of that combination made me want to puke. We even stopped by the shop for a visit with Daddy and Pops.
On Saturday we went to Chuck E. Cheese for a little while (might as well spread the sickness there too!) Then we went to the Mall. Brett & Erin happened to be headed there as well so the kids all played for a while. They all had fun digging money out of the fountain and throwing it back in to make wishes. That is what happens when you leave the Dad's alone with the kids. On Saturday night Brandon's parents came over so Brandon & I could escape for dinner. We didn't go out for long. Just dinner and we were actually home in time to put the kids to bed. I just really needed some grown up time.
Today we went to church EARLY so I could help get things organized for Scottish Sunday. The Presbyterian church has its roots in Scotland so once a year we celebrate the Scottish heritage. Bcause I was helping I got to stand in the aisle as the bagpiper was walking down. Too cool! I know I am a dork, but I love the piper!
This afternoon Connor had a birthday party to attend. We all went along as they invited the families to stay. It was a bunch of fun, but Brandon & I are tired. The kids are napping. I think that sounds like a good idea. I promise I'll try to take pictures this week.