Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

How cute is this project that Connor made for me at Home Depot? It is all made out of wood and the front says Happy Mother's Day. So, I have had some requests for the list of my Mother's day gifts from the boys. You may know already that Brandon lets the boys pick out their own card and gifts for me. This year they got me a very cute card with a dog on it. (hey, at least this one said Mom) The boys also picked out hair clips, a poof for the shower, foot cream, a slinky, and a balloon. The promptly asked if they could play with the slinky & the balloon. Oh, they also got me a dozen roses, but I think Brandon helped with that part of the gift. He also made me breakfast in bed on Sunday morning. It was very sweet. He always makes my favorite, french toast. I am a good cook, but i make horrible french toast. He makes great french toast. HE didn't know how to make coffee, so he served breakfast with Yoo Hoo. Yummy! I can't remember the last time I had a Yoo Hoo. After church we spent the day with Brandon's family. Justin & Erin made a great lunch for the whole family. The boys even liked it!! It was another great Mother's Day!