Friday, May 16, 2008


The boys redeemed themselves. I have been avoiding returns for about 2 months now. I hate returning things. But when i say I am going to return things Brandon says "yeah right, why not just throw it out now". So, I had to return these things just so I could prove him wrong. I honestly had to go to 5 different stores to do returns. I thought about calling Pops to watch the boys but I was feeling brave today. I left about 11 am, even braver. We got to the first store & the boys said "were hungry". We left the first store and Connor said "Were we good? Can we get a special treat? I'm hungry." Next 2 stores were in the mall. The boys were so good I even took them out for pizza. Then I promised we could stop by the candy store for a special treat. Only problem was I could not find the candy store. It must have closed. I only go to the mall about 5 times a year so who knows when it closed. I went to the toy store & got each a Pez dispenser. They have never had one and I knew it would keep them busy, plus they would feel like they got a toy too. It worked like a charm. They were so good at the next two stores I even made a quick stop at the grocery store.
I honestly think that the boys usually behave so good that when they don't I am totally thrown for a loop. I can't imagine having kids who didn't listen on a regular basis. Though I am getting really great at talking through my teeth.