Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What a difference a day makes

Remember how last week I was so touched at the way the boys played together. Then yesterday I was beaming at how well behaved Hudson was all day. WELL..... This morning, before 7am they were both in bed with me. No problem. I love to cuddle with the kids in bed. Then they started to fight and kick each other. I banished them to their bedrooms. I like that word banished... makes me feel like a queen. I got my bearings, made the bed and they appeared again. It was pretty cute. They came up to me together and said they were sorry for fighting. I was happy to see them working together again. We had breakfast and then I started their laundry. Now let me start off by saying that I know this is really my fault as I just threw the laundry in hap hazardly without going through it. BUT.... I am going to blame this one on the kids anyway. While putting the laundry into the dryer I notice that the laundry is covered with this white stuff. At first I think someone has put a tissue in the laundry. Grumble Grumble. Then I think... what is a 3 year old doing with a tissue in his pocket? We all know they just let their noses run and if they do use something to wipe with it is usually their shirt. Then I get to the back of the washer and there it is... a pull-up. Instead of throwing out his morning pull-up Connor has thrown it in the laundry bin. I am not amused. I then had to clean out the washer, then the dryer, then rewash all of the clothes. Have you ever washed a diaper? I do not recommend it. All of the insides turn into a mushy gushy white mess and it is nearly impossible to get it all out of the washer. So, now the mess is gone I am going to take the boys for a walk. I need some fresh air. Hope this isn't an omen for how the rest of the day is going to go!
UPDATE>>> It was an Omen. The boys were less than good today. I want to use harsher words, but one day they will read this and one day the will decided which nursing home to put me in, so I am trying to be nice. I took them to the grocery store and they yelled, screamed, fought , begged and basically acted like those kids in the grocery store who you want to smack while you walk by. I threatened every punishment in my arsenal. Nothing worked. On the ride home they knew they were in trouble. The were SILENT until one little voice came from the back seat and said "Mommy, we are sorry and we love you". I hate when they are cute just before I am going to punish them. But, I promised time outs when we got home. So, there they sat in their chairs the entire time I emptied groceries.
Now they are watching cartoons (cause I'm a bad Mom like that) while I take a brain break. I am actually looking forward to my meeting at church tonight. Maybe they will make us stay late!