Friday, May 2, 2008

yeah for play dates!

This morning we met some kids from Connor's class at a local park. It was the park where Connor fell on New Years Day and needed stitches. We haven't been back since. I was happy to see the structure he fell on was gone and there was a new, much safer structure in its place.

We got there a couple of minutes early and since we were meeting in the morning I didn't think to pack lunch. Some Mom's didn't show up for another hour, so they of course packed lunch. But that was fine as Connor wasn't into playing in the big group. He is much better one on one. So we stayed about 1 1/2 hours & then headed home for lunch.

Tomorrow we have a graduation party and a birthday party. Plus, Brandon is working, we have a realtor coming to take pictures of our house (yes, again!) and I need to get Connor up to Home Depot for their monthly project. Maybe on Sunday we will just relax! I doubt it. Brandon will probably have us out on a 10 mile bike ride. Isn't it amazing how our weekends change after having kids?